Do you remember your dreams?
No, I don't mean the kind of dreams you have after binge watching The Strain and then trying to sleep . . . .
not that I would know anything about that.
I mean the kind of dreams you had when you were young and going to change the world. The kind of dreams you had before life came along and took over; before you had lunches to pack, car pool to drive, work to get to, 8000 after school activities to chauffeur the kids to, laundry to fold, house to be cleaned, you get the picture.
I am starting to remember. . . It's like waking up and knowing you had a dream; things are familiar, you just can't pin it down. I've at least begun to remember that a long time ago, I think, I had dreams.
This morning was our church's first MOPS meeting of the year. And I watched as over fifty mommies wrestled to get their preschoolers, kindergartners and newborn babies into their classrooms. Then they took a deep breath, emotions brimming over the edges of their hearts, as they headed into the MOPS meeting.
Each mom carrying a different chaotic blend of emotions:
anxious to meet new friends
nervous they won't fit in
wondering if any other moms didn't get time to shower that morning
grateful for a hot breakfast they didn't have to cook
worried that their little one won't stop crying.
guilty for taking those two little hours, once every two weeks. to themselves
Some moms in tears from the sheer relief of not having anyone hanging on or demanding something from them.
I remember those days well - you will survive, I promise, and MOPS can help!
My dreams during that season of life generally revolved around sleep: will they sleep, can I sleep? With the occasional dream of an uninterrupted adult conversation thrown in for good measure.
But now, in this season, I am beginning to ask God once again to reveal His dream for me. Psalm 37:4 tells us to, "Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart".
I want the desires of my heart to be HIS. I want to pursue and be passionate about the dreams He has put before me.
So I am asking Him daily, what is it today Lord?
And trying to be faithful.
While I am not always sure what the big picture looks like, Psalm 37 gives me a good place to start.
The first eight verses all begin with basic instructions:
Do not fret
Trust in the Lord and do good
Take delight in the Lord
Commit your way to the Lord
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him
Refrain from anger and turn from wrath
So while I wait for the hazy,distant dream to become a vivid desire of my heart, I know what God has laid before me for today.
A day to trust, love, and follow Him, waiting patiently, and knowing He has the future in His hands.
Do you remember your dreams?